Page 6 - Armed Forces Directory - Aberdeen Proving Ground
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Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
of all sizes. They also host virtual and in-person job fairs for both businesses
and jobseekers. Learn more at
The Harford County Department of Economic Development (DED) has restarted
its Business Essentials Series, which is a sequence of free small business resource
events of varying topics. To learn more about this event series, contact Raj Goel,
DED’s deputy director, at
Defense & Veteran Resources
In the defense realm, there are multiple professional organizations with active
local chapters for businesses to be a part, such as the Association of United
States Army (AUSA), the Armed Forces Communications Electronics Association
(AFCEA), Army Alliance, the Industrial Representatives Association (IRA), the
National Defense Industrial Association (NDIA), and the Society of American
Military Engineers (SAME)— to name a few. You can learn more about these
groups and see comprehensive events calendars at
The Maryland Department of Labor’s Division of Workforce Development
and Adult Learning has veterans’ employment representatives that work
with businesses, contractors, and employer organizations to develop career
opportunities for veterans. Contact Jorge Cruz, Harford County’s local
representative, at
DED also partners with the Army Contracting Command (ACC-APG) and
the Office of Small Business Programs at Aberdeen Proving Ground (OSBP-
APG) to assist with programming specifically tailored to working with APG.
Learn more about the services these offices provide at or, respectively.
DED hosts a free event in April entitled “Doing Business with APG” that will
focus on how to enter federal contracting as well as resources and tools to
best leverage your business for APG’s Advanced Planning Briefing to Industry
(APBI). APBI is APG’s annual event, hosted in the spring, that showcases
upcoming contracting opportunities to local small and large businesses. Learn
more by emailing Bonnie Barresi, an DED business development associate,