Page 34 - Armed Forces Fort George G. Meade Base Guide - Summer/Fall 2024
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The Fort Meade storage facility is designed to house paperbased at Fort Meade.
materials, such as books and bound periodicals, which are stored in
specially designed boxes at 50 degrees Fahrenheit and 30-percent Military Entrance Processing Station, Baltimore
relative humidity on 30-foot-high industrial shelving. The facility 850 Chisholm Avenue
accommodates approximately 1.2 million items. 301-677-0422
Official Website:
Library of Congress materials may be requested from the main Sector/12th-Battalion/Baltimore/
Library of Congress campus on Capitol Hill.
The mission of U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command and
Logistics Readiness Center the Military Entrance Processing Station, Baltimore (MEPS) is to
77 Rock Avenue process individuals for enlistment or induction into the armed
Director: 301-677-9146 services based on Department of Defense approved peacetime
and mobilization standards. Three primary areas are considered
The Logistics Readiness Center (LRC) Fort Meade is one of when determining an applicant’s qualifications for enlistment:
seventeen LRCs that form the 406th Army Field Support Brigade aptitude for military service, physical qualification and background
headquartered at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. LRC Fort Meade evaluation screening.
provides sustainable full-spectrum logistics in the areas of
Transportation, Maintenance, Plans and Operations, and Supply The Baltimore MEPS has enlistment responsibility for 23 counties
and Services to active duty and reserve component units, in Maryland, two counties in Delaware, 10 counties in Virginia,
Installation tenants, State and Federal agencies within the Fort three counties in West Virginia and the District of Columbia.
Meade community. The Baltimore MEPS is one of a network of 65 stations located
nationwide and in Puerto Rico. Aside from the MEPS located in
Garrison logistics functions including provision of supplies and Baltimore, 10 mobile examining test sites in the Baltimore MEPS
services, Class I subsistence, maintenance and management of area offer aptitude testing to applicants near their homes.
material and equipment, movement of material and personnel,
logistical support planning and execution, logistical guidance to The MEPS was originally established in 1965 at Fort Holabird. When
supported activities, and logistical readiness. LRC’s service sustains Fort Holabird closed in 1973, the station relocated to Linthicum
unit readiness, ensures responsive force generation, and improves Heights near the Baltimore-Washington International Airport. In
quality of life in our communities. March 1991, the MEPS relocated to a facility in the Dorsey Business
Center in Howard County. The Baltimore MEPS moved to its present
Plans and Operations Division ....................301-677-9192 location on Fort Meade in September 2003. USO officials opened a
Transportation Division ..........................301-677-9930 lounge at the MEPS facility October 1. The Baltimore MEPS-USO Metro
Supply and Services Division .....................301-677-9413 Lounge is open to military recruits, applicants and their families.
Maintenance Division ............................301-677-9352 National Security Agency and
Food Services ....................................301-677-9350 Central Security Service
9800 Savage Road, Suite 6272
Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion NSA Public Affairs Office: 301-688-6524
9800 Savage Road, Suite 6585 Official Website:
Duty NCO: 301-677-6990
Command Duty Officer: 301-928-5510 The National Security Agency (NSA), created in 1952, is the leader in providing Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Information Assurance
(IA) to the U.S. Government. NSA also enables Computer Network
The Mission of Marine Cryptologic Support Battalion (MCSB) is Operations (CNO) to gain a decision advantage for the Nation and
to train, employ, and deploy Marines in order to conduct signals our allies.
intelligence, information security, and national-tactical integration
activities that satisfy National Security Agency/Central Security The Central Security Service (CSS) was established by presidential
Service (NSA/CSS), Marine Air-Ground Task Force, and Joint Forces directive in 1972 to promote full partnership between NSA
intelligence requirements. and the Cryptologic Components of the U.S. Armed Services.
This organization created a more unified cryptologic effort by
Activated April 1, 1958, MCSB permanently relocated its battalion combining NSA and CSS (NSA/CSS). The Director of NSA is also
headquarters to Fort Meade, MD., in November of 1995. MCSB the Chief of CSS.
currently consists of six subordinate companies geographically
dispersed across the globe and is comprised of more than 500 NSA offers challenging career opportunities in a wide variety of
Marines and civilians who serve as the Marine Corps’ service force exciting career fields as well as exceptional employee benefits and
provider to NSA/CSS supporting the global cryptologic enterprise. valuable career development programs. The Agency also offers
MCSB’s Headquarters Company and Company B are also located students the opportunity to get hands-on experience through paid
B-22 Armed Forces Fort George G. Meade Base Guide