Page 31 - Armed Forces Fort George G. Meade Base Guide - Summer/Fall 2024
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The Nation’s Premier Platform for Intelligence, Information and Cyber Operations
Army Audit Agency Additional CID missions include logistical security from the
Field Office manufacturer to the Soldier on the battlefield; criminal intelligence
393 Llewellyn Avenue (developing countermeasures to combat subversive activities on
301-677-7741 the battlefield); criminal investigations (expanded to include war
crimes and, in some cases, crimes against coalition forces and host-
The U.S. Army Audit Agency provides objective and independent nation personnel); and protective service operations (protects key
auditing services. Established in 1946, the agency helps the Army personnel on and off the battlefield).
make informed decisions, resolve issues, use resources effectively
and efficiently, and satisfy statutory and fiduciary responsibilities. Consolidated Personnel Administration Center
The auditor general of the Army leads the agency and receives U.S. Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command
support from the principal deputy auditor general and three 239 Ross Road
deputy auditor generals, each in charge of specific aspects of agency Director: 301-677-9919
operations. This includes acquisition and logistics audits, forces and SNCOIC: 301-677-9918
financial audits, and policy and operations management. The Fort NCOIC: 301-677-9908
Meade field office was established in 1998.
All Marines reporting to one of the tenant commands assigned
U.S. Army Public Affairs Center on or near Fort George G. Meade are required to report to
4551 Parade Field Lane the CPAC with a reporting endorsement from their parent
301-677-7272 command. The CPAC maintains the administrative responsibility
Official Website: for joining all Marines and starting the respective entitlements for this duty station.
Army Public Affairs keeps the public and the Army informed The primary mission of the CPAC is to provide administrative support
and helps to establish the conditions that lead to confidence
in America’s Army and its readiness to conduct operations in and services to commanders, Marines, and their family members
peacetime, conflict, and war. within U.S. Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command, Marine
Corps Cyberspace Warfare Group, Marine Cryptologic Support
As the proponent executive agent for the chief of public affairs, Battalion and Defense Information School.
the center develops, provides guidance for, and prepares Army
public affairs doctrine, organizations, training, material, leader Defense Adjudication Activities (DAA)
development, personnel, facilities, and policy. 600 10th Street
Criminal Investigation Division (CID)
855 Chisholm Avenue
301-677-1682 The Defense Adjudication Activities (DAA) consists of three agencies
that determine security clearance eligibility for personnel occupying
As the Army’s primary criminal investigative organization and sensitive positions or requiring access to classified material. The
the Department of Defense’s premier investigative organization, primary tenant is the Department of Defense Consolidated
the Criminal Investigation Division (CID) is responsible for the Adjudications Facility (DoD CAF) which executes personnel security
conduct of criminal investigations in which the Army is, or may determinations for non-Intelligence Agency DoD military, civilian,
be, a party of interest. consultant, and applicant personnel in addition to determinations
CID supports the Army through the deployment of highly trained for employment suitability and Common Access Card credentialing
Soldiers and government-service special agents and support of DoD civilian employees, plus fitness eligibility of non-cleared
personnel, the operation of a certified forensic laboratory, a DoD contractors. The DoD CAF services approximately 96% of DoD
protective services unit, computer crimes specialists, polygraph and 84% of cleared personnel in the federal government, making
services, criminal intelligence collection and analysis, and a variety of approximately 1.1 million personnel security determinations in 2016.
other services normally associated with law enforcement activities. The DoD CAF was created in 2012 with the consolidation of seven of
the 10 DoD activities that colocated to Fort Meade in 2011. Due to
The CID mission is the same for the installation and battlefield the unique nature of their missions, the intelligence activities were
environments; however, additional requirements are often assumed not part of this consolidation.
during battlefield support.
The DAA facility is the proud home of adjudicative offices of
Primary missions of the CID include investigating serious crime; the Department of Defense, ensuring a trusted workforce in
conducting sensitive investigations; collecting, analyzing, and
disseminating criminal intelligence; conducting protective service support of all war fighters and our nation’s security, supporting
operations; providing forensic laboratory support; and maintaining tens of thousands of security officers and millions of affiliated
Army criminal records. personnel annually. B-19