Page 60 - Armed Forces Fort George G. Meade Base Guide - Summer/Fall 2024
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Volunteer coaches must attend training and be certified through Some countries require up to 6 months of preparation (vaccines,
the National Alliance of Youth Sports Coaches Certification Program. testing, etc.), so be sure to start the process early. Our Front Desk is
happy to answer any additional questions you have about travelling
The name SKIES Unlimited combines the acronym for “Schools with your pet.
of Knowledge, Inspiration, Exploration, and Skills” with the word
Unlimited for the unlimited learning possibilities that this initiative Family Pet Care Center
offers military children and youth. 5 Range Road
SKIES Unlimited provides the framework for instructional Monday - Friday: 7:00a.m. - 5:30p.m.
programming in the CYS Services System worldwide. It encompasses Saturday: 9:00a.m. - 3:00p.m.
instructional programs for children and youth from infancy to Sunday: 12:00p.m. - 4:00p.m.
adolescence (four weeks through the end of the senior year in high
school). Through SKIES Unlimited, youth in programs have access The Fort Meade Family Pet Care Center features full boarding
to opportunities that expand their knowledge, inspire them, allow and doggie day care services. Indoor runs are climate controlled,
them to explore and acquire new skills. the outdoor runs are shaded with insulated roofing, and each
has its own self-filling water bowl. Short and long-term boarding
Young people spend as much as 80 percent of their waking time is available.
outside the classroom. When involved in instructional programs
during the critical hours of 3:00p.m. – 8:00p.m., studies show they Leash Law
are less likely to engage in undesirable behavior.
Dogs and cats on post must be chained, penned, or on a leash at all
Instructional programs foster the development of critical life, times when outside. Dogs tied outside must always have access to
leadership, and social skills. The latest educational research adequate shelter and clean water. Owners are liable for all damage
confirms that student’s involvement in after-school instructional to government or personal property and buildings, as well as any
programs is beneficial on all levels. Instructional programs injury to other individuals caused by their pet’s actions. Animals
have been shown to promote the intellectual development of found unattended or roaming free on post will be impounded by
children and youth. the Directorate of Emergency Services and taken to Anne Arundel
County Animal Control at 410-222-8900.
After-School Child Care
The Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks’
sponsored school-age childcare has openings available for children Dogs, cats, pet rodents (hamsters, guinea pigs, mice and rats),
in kindergarten through fifth grade. The after-school program fish, small reptiles or caged birds may be kept in post housing. All
operates from the end of the school day until 6:00p.m., every day dogs and cats in post housing must be registered at the Veterinary
that school is open for students. Interested parents should contact Treatment Facility within 10 days of occupancy in post housing.
the Anne Arundel County School Age Care Center office at 410-222-
7856 for registration information. Wild and exotic animals are not permitted on the installation.
Pet Care Pets must wear a rabies tag and have a current vaccination history on
file. Every pet must also have a microchip implanted for identification
Fort Meade Veterinary Treatment Facility purposes. This can be done at the Veterinary Treatment Facility on
2018 20th Street a walk-in basis. If your pet is more than 3 months old and has been
Front Desk: 301-677-1300 vaccinated for rabies elsewhere, owners must provide the Veterinary
Monday - Friday: 8:00a.m. - 4:00p.m. Treatment Facility with a copy of the certificate during registration
or the pet will need to be revaccinated.
The primary animal mission of the Fort Meade Veterinary Treatment
Facility (VTF) is support of our Military Working Dogs. However, the No more than two dogs or cats in any combination are allowed in
VTF also provides health care for privately-owned animal (POA) a single-housing unit. Please note that Corvias Military Living has
of Active Duty, Retired, and Reserve Service Members and their additional requirements that should be reviewed by any person
family members. Services include vaccinations, diagnostic testing, with a pet to be housed on Fort Meade.
minor sick-call appointments, Health Certificate examinations,
microchipping, and sale of preventive medications.
Are you PCS-ing or travelling? Pets require a Health Certificate
to fly on commercial airlines, and in most instances, this must be
completed within 10 days prior to travel. Please check specific
country requirements at
B-48 Armed Forces Fort George G. Meade Base Guide